Web3 product studio

In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed. The life savings of many vanished. The accounting of ownership was lost. Most were left with nothing.
Ever so often structures of ownership will fail. In the age of open distributed ledgers, there is a better way and it starts with finance.
Openhedge empowers the individual through open source tech that allows anyone to take custody of what belongs to them.
What we do


We are a team of entrepreneurs, researchers and engineers focused on shaping the core of web3 infrastructure over decades to come.

Joint ventures

We partner with world class companies to bring their visions to market. Rely on us for engineering, systems design, UI/UX, structuring & more.

Fund advisory

Fundamental research, portfolio construction, delta neutral strategies, volatility arbitrage, exotic hedging, private seed deal flow & more.
Join us
We are a team of risk takers with 0 tolerance for complacency. We value clarity of mind and mental wellbeing.
Remote and asynchronous operations across 12 time zones. No senseless meetings. No bureaucracy. No politics.
Quality of output is the only metric that matters. Taking initiative is rewarded. Only mistakes punished are those resulting from inaction.
Contact us
If you share our vision and could use our help, please reach out.